[Originally posted on Dwarven Forge forums 2009 Jul 01. In looking for these pictures, I found better ones I took a week later. So I’ve posted these up in place of the original ones, from the perspective of an adventuring group making their way through].
Came home from work, and found boxes of DF awaiting me! Dinner can wait, let's see these things in action! [This was just at the release of the Return of the Ancients II.]
Ok, so I made this out of two sets of each RoTA I and II - I managed to use every piece except for the wall inserts... (d'oh! I just realized that the special mosaic intersection came with 3 sets... at least I remember not to put both in there!)
So the adventurers find the location of the ancient ruined temple. They proceed cautiously through the entrance...
I also found a few pictures of just messing around with various configurations…
Secret spinning doors, and secret spinning walls!